Eid Al-Adha prayers In St Albans will take palce on Sunday 16 June 2024. We have gathered all the information we could from the mosques and community groups running Eid Prayers across the city & surrounding areas. Please note this information has been provided by the Mosques, Group representatives, thier websites where published and all communication is as accurate as possible based on the information supplied.
Information Correct as of 14 June 2024 15:42
Eid Prayers St Albans (Time order)
(key A= All welcome, M=Male only)
7:00 Masjid Ar Rahman (A)
7:45 BCT, Scouts hut, AL3 5UP
7.30 London Colney Islamic Centre (A)
8:00 Jamie Masjid (M)
8:30 London Colney Islamic Centre (A)
8:45 Islamic Centre St Albans (A)
9:00 Al Furqan, Fleetville School AL1 4LX (A)
9:30 Masjid Ar Rahman (A)
9:30 Jamie Masjid (M)
9:45 Islamic Centre St Albans (A)
10:30 Jamie Masjid (M)
Awaiting information from:
LCB Mosque & Islamic Centre
Eid Prayers Hemel Hempstead
7.30am Baytus Salaam, HP2 6BH (A)
8.30am Baytus Salaam, HP2 6BH (A)
9.30am Baytus Salaam, HP2 6BH ( A)
Eid Prayers Hatfield & Welwyn Garden City
9:00am Hatfield Mosque, AL10 8TP (M)
TBC Welwyn Islamic Society, AL7 1JG (A)
9.00am Quwwatul Islam HP3 9NH
Eid Prayers Watford
7:00am Central Mosque, WD18 0GJ (M)
7:15am North Watford WD25 0AQ (A)
9:00am North Watford WD25 0AQ (A)
9:15am Central Mosque WD18 0GJ (A)
10:15am North Watford WD25 0AQ (A)
10:30am Central Mosque WD18 0GJ (A)
Eid Prayers Hemel Hempstead
9:00am Quwwatul Islam HP3 9NH
10:00am Quwwatul Islam HP3 9NH
Awaiting information from
Potters Bar Islamic Centre, Mutton Lane, EN6 3BP (Families)